More police to fight crime and anti-social behaviour

1. More police on the streets in Batley and Spen – The mayor will deliver 750 new police officers and staff, I will lobby for more officers here in Batley and Spen

2. Focus on neighbourhood policing – new officers must be focused on neighbourhood policing and I will reconvene the successful neighbourhood management groups that allowed residents to meet the police and council officers to discuss and tackle local issues

3. Campaign for new police units to target drug dealers and tackle anti-social behaviour – I want the police and council to run a pilot in Batley and Spen that can be rolled out to other areas

4. Tougher punishments for reckless drivers and speeding in residential areas

5. Create a way people can report drug dealing and anti-social behaviour without fear of reprisals – too many people are afraid to report crime, I will work with the police to improve the reporting process


Safer, better roads

6. Fix our roads – ensure Batley and Spen gets its fair share of the council’s new £22m roads fund

7. Make our roads safer – work with West Yorkshire casualty reduction partnership and road safety charities to make it easier for local people to get speed cameras and traffic calming

8. Crackdown on nuisance vehicle noise – push for the roll out of new technology that tackles anti-social noise from modified vehicles

9. Sort out the traffic – bring together the police and council to reduce congestion, nuisance parking and improve green and public transport links


Revitalised town centres

10. A bright future for our towns – I will bring local people together with local business and the council to forge a vibrant future for our town centres

11. I will work with Kirklees Council to identify how best to spend its £4million small towns fund in Batley and Spen

12. Seek Heritage and regeneration funding to support arts and music events across the area and protect and revive our museums and libraries

13. Work with sports clubs and community groups to build strong, healthy, well-connected communities that promote everybody’s physical and mental health and well-being


Cleaner streets and protected green spaces

14. Stand with local residents on major planning and development issues – I will take an active role on planning and be a voice for local people with developers

15. Protect our greenbelt and green spaces – I will fight to improve our local playgrounds and parks, create more sports pitches and expand and enhance the Spen Valley Greenway and Ringway

16. Lead a local community fightback against litter – I will build a team of local volunteers and organise regular clean ups to keep our streets and green places clean

17. Campaign for increased enforcement penalties for flytipping and dog fouling

18. Prioritise youth provision – I will champion our grassroots sport clubs and fight for greater investment in activities for young people and sporting facilities


Good jobs for local people

19. I will launch an annual jobs fair to bring employers into Batley and Spen and create new opportunities for young people

20. Train and retrain – I want to make sure people have the opportunity to do what I did and get a second chance at education so they have the skills they need, I will work with colleges and employers to bring more training hubs to the area

21. Good jobs for young people – I want to bring together local employers who are offering apprenticeships and skilled jobs and build on what works so more young people can get good jobs and well paid work

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